Meet Our Bartenders: Sean Flynn / The Ditty
Sean Flynn started working in the service industry at age 15. Throughout the years, she held many different positions within the industry but always wanted to bartend. She’d watch the bartenders from afar and notice the steps they took to prepare the cocktails. Her first bartending job was after college to make some extra money, but didn’t expect to enjoy it so much. She’s been a bartender for 13 years and loves it. “I really love taking care of people, as cheesy as that sounds,” she smiled.
Originally from Brooklyn but grew up in Rockland County, then later moved to Long Island. She moved to Astoria four years ago and has worked at The Ditty ever since. “When I first moved here, and started at The Ditty, I thought to myself, ‘I’m home,’” said Flynn. “Astoria is a special place,” she added.

“People really open up about themselves. As a bartender, it is a special trust,” she said. It’s important to her to make every customer feel safe and welcome. She emphasized that her customers confide in her; she’d never betray their trust. While she can sometimes be sassy, she’s also open and always willing to talk. Every bartender has a different personality and does not necessarily have to be the most upbeat or outgoing – just welcoming and positive. “You just have to be yourself,” she said.
The balance between being assertive, yet still “fun and chill”, is the most challenging aspect of her job. Being the boss, while also being relaxed, a bartender’s main job is to, not only make sure people are having fun, but also make sure people are not getting so drunk that they hurt themselves or others. “You’re kind of the lifeguard of the bar,” said Flynn.
One of her favorite memories from The Ditty happened at one of their anniversary parties. The DJ started playing Irish music and a girl climbed onto the bar and started dancing an Irish jig. The whole bar “got really into it” and started dancing together. “Usually that annoys me, when people climb onto the bar like that, but it was so fun to see everyone dancing together,” Flynn laughed.
Over the years, bartending has helped her develop self-confidence. She realized that “nothing is as big of a deal as you make it”.
Flynn is moving to Orlando later this month to open a brewery with her friend, and former Astoria resident, Seth Hunter. Bear Hug Brewing is set to open in March 2023.