What’s The Best Street In Astoria?

In our latest poll, we ask Astorians what the best street is in our neck of the woods:

Although they’ve always been favorites with the locals, in recent years these streets have really come to be known among New Yorkers in general as the go to spots for great bars, delicious cuisines, awesome bakeries and cafes, and pretty decent shopping.

The fact that people are flocking to Astoria just goes to show exactly how much our neighborhood has and is growing.

Steinway Street

So which street IS the best? Is it Steinway? With it’s many exciting and delicious middle eastern restaurants, and retail stores, offering people food and a nice window shopping experience?


Or maybe Broadway? The once more subdued street now flowing with pedestrians coming and going, with favorites like Sanfords and Omonia always there, and places like the newly opened King of Falafel bound to get the lines coming in.

Ditmars Blvd

But what of Ditmars? Oldie but a goodie, Ditmars has and always will be a place of its own. A little further from the center of Astoria, it’s always been its own little district. Offering up some amazing places to eat and shop, the wider streets make for quite a nice place to stroll.

30th Avenue

And then there’s 30th Avenue. Speaks for itself really. There’s no doubt that it’s becoming not just a contender for best street in Astoria, but perhaps one of the best in New York City. Bars after bars, restaurants next to restaurants. Fresh markets, bakeries, butchers, everything you need plus quaint little mom and pops for all your shopping wants.


Yep, Astoria is pretty darn amazing, no denying that. No wonder our population is growing, who can blame people from wanting to call Astoria home? We can’t.

So why not visit our poll, and cast your vote for best street in Astoria.


*Featured Image Via New York Time.com.