Dino’s Pizzeria gives back with the goal of keeping the community strong
Image via Dino’s Pizzeria (@dinos_pizzeria) Instagram.
Community is everything to Bruno Carusone, owner of Astoria favorite Dino’s Pizzeria. The family-run restaurant has been serving the Astoria neighborhood delicious Italian cuisine since 1957. So when COVID-19 struck the city, the team behind Dino’s ensured that both staff and customers remain as healthy and safe as possible.
For starters, Carusone is keeping the full staff on and will pay for anyone who needs leave. Thankfully, the staff at Dino’s has managed to stay healthy while continuing to remain pillars of the community.

Image via Dino’s Pizzeria (@dinos_pizzeria) Instagram.
“[There are] people supporting and donors calling me to donate pies to the hospital, to the 114” said Carusone. He also credits large orders from Give Me Astoria and Queens Feeds Hospitals as major factors keeping business as normal as possible.
“If people have the ability to keep donating, it’s a boost of morality” said Carusone.
In addition to continuing to serve its neighborhood, the team at Dino’s Pizzeria has taken it a step further. For anyone who is unable to pick up groceries or prescriptions, Dino’s Pizzeria will personally send a delivery worker to do so.
Give Me Astoria would like to thank Mr. Carusone and the team at Dino’s Pizzeria for all of their efforts to support the community at this time, in addition to their donation to feed our essential workers. If you would like to learn more about Dino’s Pizzeria, you may visit their website and Instagram.
Additionally, if you would like to learn more about Give Me Astoria’s efforts to partner with restaurants and feed healthcare and essential workers, please visit our official GoFundMe page here.

Dino’s Pizzeria donation via Give Me Astoria to FDNY.