Open Mic @ Hellgate on the Park


Help support your local mic! We want your arts! Every OTHER Wednesday night @ Hellgate On The Park Bar & Restaurant! 8:30pm signup. We end whenever 🙂

The talent thus far has been stupendous to say the least, and I look forward to seeing what is around the next corner 🙂

This place is great! It's got an open backyard, great setup, and serves both regular beers and liquor. 

I am stoked to see some of my most beloved faces, and some new ones. MUSIC, COMEDY, SPOKEN WORD, POETRY, 10 minutes or 3 songs (depending on the length), and depending on the number of acts.

Can't wait to get the momentum flowing again, and experience all of your talent I NEED YOUR ART! FEED IT TO ME!

Free, as it should be.

See you then!