A Halloween Safety Message From Captain Fortune of the 114th Precinct

With Halloween around the corner, no doubt the streets of Astoria will be filled with monsters, goblins, vampires, princesses, wiches and superheroes, but with the fun also comes the responsibility from not only the community but also Astoria businesses to keep Astoria safe.
The following is a message from Captain Fortune of the 114th Precinct regarding what our local businesses can do so as to minimize vandalism and crime during the Halloween celebrations:
On behalf of the members of the 114th Precinct, I would like to thank our local business owners for their continuous support. As last year, a safety plan will be implemented during Halloween. Officers will give special attention to protecting our commercial districts. We ask that our businesses participate in our safety plan by refraining from selling eggs, shaving cream, markers or paint to children during Halloween. A safe holiday is not possible without help from the community. We appreciate all that you do, please have a healthy and safe holiday!
Captain Peter Fortune
Commanding Officer of the 114th Precinct
So be safe Astoria, and enjoy Halloween!
*Featured Image Via 114th Precinct Twitter