Neil Patrick Harris Filming at Kaufman-Astoria Studios

The How I Met Your Mother and Gone Girl star will be shooting soon at the studios, according the reports by The Daily News:
“Queens should stock up on top hats and canes. Neil Patrick Harris’ new variety show will broadcast live from the borough’s Kaufman Astoria Studios, Confidenti@l is told. The 10-episode run of the hour-long NBC show, reportedly titled “Best Time Ever With Neil Patrick Harris,” is to be shot at the 18,000-square-foot Stage K. The famous studio has also been home to “Sesame Street,” “The Cosby Show” and “Spin City.”:
No news yet on what exactly the variety show will entail, but it “will be based on the UK series “Saturday Night Takeaway,” which means musical numbers, comedy sketches, celebrity pranks and A-list guests.”
Here’s a clip of the shows promo:
So, keep an eye out! You might just bump into the star one of these days.