Astorians speak out about Astoria Cove!
Khuzami also added plans for specific Park plans and improvements that were approved at a Committee meeting with the Dept. of Parks last week.
Also present and speaking were representatives of the various unions demanding good-paying jobs and sound construction. Many of these representatives also live in Astoria. What a town!
The meeting lasted over 5 hours with many of your fellow Astorians making the return-trip by subway between City Hall Station and Steinway Street Station.
Those speaking in favor of the plan were mainly representatives and attorneys for the developer stating that this development was a good thing, especially for the surrounding community which is currently under-served especially in public transportation and shops. We took the opportunity to tell City Planning how the developer must do better! Somehow I feel those speakers didn’t come by subway!
Frances Luhmann is a lifelong Astoria resident, and writes her views on local politics as Political Junkie.