“The proposal to convert the Westway Motor Inn into a full time homeless shelter has been resubmitted. The community expressed extreme opposition to this in 2012 and we need to do the same now! We must let the city’s department of homeless service agency know that their plans are not welcomed in our community nor are we equipped to handle a 121 unit homeless shelter. There will be an EMERGENCY Public hearing on this issue next Wednesday, July 23rd at 6:30pm held at The Museum of the Moving Image. I urge you all to make your presence seen and heard. If we do not take a strong united stand now we can not complain later when we lose the Astoria we know and love!”
If you’re interested in having your voice heard, make sure you attend the meeting!
*Update: Many of you are asking where you can go in support of the shelter. The decision has already been made – “A final decision by the DHS has been reached to make the Westway a full-time shelter for the homeless,” and the emergency meeting is a public protest in opposition. You can contact the City Administration of Homeless Services for more information – and we’ll keep you posted with any more news we hear on the matter.
The views reflected here do not necessarily reflect those of Give Me Astoria, or of community as a whole.