Get Your Bike On, This Saturday!


Image: QNS

This Saturday, June 11th, the wheels are spinning as the LIC Bike Parade rides into Western Queens.

The ninth annual event will have all the fun you need for a beautiful Spring Saturday. Crazy costumes, crazy decorated bicycles, human-powered floats and more will all make their way through one thoroughfare and two public spaces.

The event starts inside Socrates Sculpture Park around 11AM.

Image: QNS

Recycle-A-Bicycle will be there, offering free mobile bike repair, or bike swaps for those youngens among us, and while that’s all going on artists from Socrates will be heading up bike-decorating workshops for all. The Freestyle Arts Association will also be there, coordinating a collaborative massive sculpture project of a human-powered parade float.

If you’re around Rainey Park, and have some eager children in need of riding lessons, then they can participate in the teachings from Bike New York, close to Vernon Boulevard and 33rd Road.

2PM the procession will commence. It’ll go from the Broadway entrance to Socrates southbound on Vernon Boulevard to Queensbridge Park around 41st Avenue where the Waterfront Celebrations will take place – dancing, singing, eating – one not to miss.

The celebrations will all be for the 100th birthday of civic activist Jane Jacobs, who fought for citizen access to public spaces in urban areas.

So grab your friends, family or that someone special (your bike) and come on down this Saturday for some serious fun and laughs.

*Featured Image Via QNS