A New Way to Give Back to Veterans

The Queens Chamber of Commerce just formed a partnership with local assembly member Michael Simanowitz to launch a community program called “Queens Vets”.
From the Queens Chamber of Commerce:
“This program is our way of thanking veterans living or shopping in Queens for their service to our country and our community. Veterans will be given an identification card that, when presented at a participating business, will enable them to receive a pre- determined discount on goods or services.
Businesses wishing to offer a discount will receive a decal identifying them as a participant. Additionally, each business will be listed on the Queens Chamber as well as Assemblyman Simanowitz’s website for the duration of their participation. If you decide the program is not right for your business, you can drop out at any time by contacting the Chamber. At a minimum, your business will be contacted on an annual basis to confirm your continued interest in the program. In addition to showing your support for our veterans, this initiative will give your business access to the growing community of veterans in Queens”
Businesses in the area can offer ANY special they want i.e. a glass of wine with dinner, or complimentary coffee and dessert with a meal, a free XYZ with a purchase of paint, a complimentary haircut – whatever works for their business. The point is that the veterans can get whatever the discount is via a physical card. Vets that sign up for the program can then receive cards through VFW Halls, and other places.
We think this is an awesome program to get involved with – it’s a way to really help the residents in the area – specifically veterans. If you have a favorite spot you frequent – a restaurant, shop, or any store – share this with them and see if they want to get on board!
If you know a business that would like to get involved, they need to fill out the merchant form and e-mail it to the Queens Chamber of Commerce’s Strategic Program Coordinator, Ms. Jacqueline Donado at [email protected].
There will be a press conference held Monday, November 10th, 2014 at 11:00 AM, at VFW Post 885 (20-19 14th Road, College Point, NY 11356) by Assemblyman Michael Simanowitz & The Queens Chamber of Commerce to announce the Queens Veterans Discount Program.