Outdoor Seating Complaints For Ditmars Gastro-Pub
Recently, a letter was found on the doors of many cafes and residents along the popular Ditmars Blvd, urging the community to complain about the applications from cafes or gastro pubs like The Pomeroy in regards to outdoor seating. The permit requested will see another 100 tables take to the sidewalk, something a lot of residents near by are against.
Some of the reasons, as stated in the letter to Community Board 1, are:
– Crowds of patrons which gather outside the premise are often too loud and disturb the neighbors
– Crowds gather in front of no smoking areas while smoking, which then spreads to resident buildings
– Numerous complaints have been ignored by owners
– Debris, cigarette buds, and even vomit has been observed the following mornings littered throughout the street
– Patrons can be seen consuming alcohol all over the road
– and noise disturbances carrying through the morning on weeknights
The street already has a few places with outdoor seating, the popular Taverna Kyclades being one, along with Martha's Bakery and Watawa.
Another major complaint, according to the letter, is the problem of parking if the zoning permits are accepted. The letter was accompanied by various signatures of people agreeing to the problem, and stated that those who oppose it should show up at the community meeting today, the 17th.
– Meeting every third Tuesday of the Month Astoria World Manor, 25-22 Astoria Boulevard, 7 P.M
With many residents complaining about the noises and crowds, some are all for it, stating that the area is a Mecca for social activities, and with the coming of better weather 'we can't wait to enjoy a nice meal outside with a few drinks' according to one local who frequents the area.
*Featured Image Via andthisiswhere/Reddit