Hell Gate Bridge Wants A Paint Job For Birthday Present

Officials are calling for a paint job for the iconic Astoria bridge, Hell Gate, as it turns 100 this year.
Its birthday is March 17th, 2017, and to be honest, it's seen better days.
The bridge is more than just an icon. It was the original inspiration behind Australia's very own Sydney Harbour Bridge, and was designed by Gustav Lindenthal and Henry Hornbostel.
It was last repainted in the 90's, but some have urged it to be redone now, before the centennial celebrations take place. The bridge isn't just an iconic monument to New York, it's also quite young when you learn that its life-span is supposed to be 1000 years, according to a Discover article.
The bridge is owned and operated by Amtrak, with companies like CSX Corperation, Canadian Pacific, Providence & Worcester Railroad and New York and Atlantic often using it.
Metro-North Railroad in conjunction with NJ Transit also uses the bridge to run a train to the Game service which then transports football fans to New York Jets and Giants games at MetLife Stadium.
According to a letter sent to the Amrak President Joseph H written by Boardman Congressman Joseph Crowley, Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney, state Senator Michael Gianaris, Assemblywoman Aravella Simotas and Councilman Costa Constantinides, the bridge is in dire need of a makeover.
“September 30th of this year will mark the centennial anniversary of the bridge’s completion, and it is our sincerest hope that the structure will enter into the next hundred years of its life in a fashion befitting its status,” the letter stated.
Whatever they decide, Hell Gate is undoubtedly an iconic treasure, which serves as not only transport, but a reminder of humanities innovation in architecture and our inspiration.
Correction: The anniversary of the bridge was corrected to March 17th 2017 instead of September 30th, 2016.
*Featured Image Credit: Scott Dunn/flickr