A New Years Message From Captain Peter Fortune of the 114th Precinct


Greetings from Captain Peter Fortune, Commanding Officer of the 114th Precinct.  I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our residents a very safe and happy New Year.  The 114th Precinct has experienced another successful year with a reduction of approximately 8% in crime.  Western Queens has become an even safer place to live and this would not be possible without the continuous support of you, the community!  It is the strong partnership between the community and the NYPD that has made this neighborhood such a great place to live and visit. 


Like last year, a safety plan will be implemented during New Year’s Eve that will focus upon maintaining the quality of life.  There will be a significant increase in police presence and we will aggressively enforce public consumption of alcohol and disorderly conduct violations.  Vehicular safety checkpoints will also be increased and there will be zero tolerance for drinking and driving.  All year long, we have worked to provide a safe environment for our residents and this holiday season is no exception. 

On behalf of the men and women of the 114th Precinct, I would like to extend our warmest wishes and we look forward to an even safer year in 2016.