Astoria To Get Anti Crime Program

This November, at the 114th Precinct in Astoria, The Juvenile Robbery Intervention Program will begin. The programs goal is to focus on youths who have already committed crimes, helping them to get back into schools, or find jobs.
The program was already successfully introduced in other boroughs, where it was able to reduce youth recidivism.
The program will find a home on the second floor of the 114th Precinct, according to Queens Chronicle. Lt. Nicholas Morales said that the program should be able to help with continued robberies in the area, even though crime is down overall.
The Juvenile Robbery Intervention Program is structured toward 17 year olds and younger, as long as you have been arrested anywhere in the city for a single robbery and if you live within 114th Precinct areas.
The programs runners, Lt. Greacia Herdsman and Sgt. Josue Garcia, said that their mission is to deter juveniles that have already committed an offense, from repeating it.