See Astoria in the 1980’s

The good old days, as some would put it. 30 years of memories.
The good, the bad, and the fashion? Well it wasn't all that bad.
If you feel like taking a tour down memory lane, then why don't you join The Greater Astoria Historical Society tonight at 7pm, as they relive the 80's with lovely images of what once was.
The event is supported by public funds from the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs, along with support from the GAHS members.
They're a great organization…..
The Greater Astoria Historical Society is a non-profit organization which is dedicated to preserving Astoria's past, and using it to promote the community's future.
The Society has lots of community associated events like field trips, walking tours, slide presentations, along with guest lectures to schools and the public.
The fee is only $5, GAHS members are free.
Where: Quinn Building, 35-20 Broadway, 4th Floor
Phone: 718-278-0700
Email: [email protected]
*Featured Image Via Greater Astoria History Society