Stand Up Comedy Class

In this 4-week course taught by veteran comedian Carole Montgomery, you’ll learn the basics of joke writing, brainstorm ideas for material, workshop that material on the Q.E.D. stage, receive feedback from Carole and fellow students and, finally, perform your five minutes at a “graduation” show with fellow students .

The class is conducted on the Q.E.D. stage so you’ll also get comfortable with holding a microphone and speaking in front of people.

Students will also receive free admission to the show that immediately follows each class (excluding charitable or private events) and a 50% discount off the Business of Comedy course and PR & Marketing 101.

Class dates are September 14, 21, 28 and October 5th from 6:30 to 8:00PM. The graduation show is October 7th at 9PM and open to the public.