Bohemian Hall’s Annual Porkfest is Back

“Masopust” (porkfest) is an age long Bohemian and Moravian tradition going back all the way to the 13th century. The word it-self translates into ‘good bye meat”. Traditionally, “Masopust” takes place before the start of “Lent”, a forty day span of prayer, fasting and penance, and is celebrated for a duration of three days preceding “Ash Wednesday”. These three days are filled with excessive eating, drinking, and dancing as it is believed that if a person ate and drank a great amount during these festive days, good health would accompany them for the entire year.


To join the tradition, the Bohemian Hall and Beer Garden is having their annual Porkfest. If you’re a pork lover, you don’t want to miss this annual event!