New York’s Sexiest Bartender… in Astoria?

Photo: Anne Wermiel/NY Post
Her names Monica Alvarez, and here are some fun tidbits from the story:
Monica Alvarez, 29, Astoria, Queens
Position: Bartender at Lavo (39 E. 58th St.)
Relationship status: Boyfriend of 1½ years
Best pickup line at work: “ ‘Hey, do you do squats?’ It was Tyson Beckford.”
Number of date requests a night: “Ten. They’ll always be like, ‘I know you get this a lot . . .’ ”
Biggest tip: “This guy told me he would pay my rent . . . He’s like, ‘How much is your rent? I was like, ‘$1,500,’ and he said, ‘I’ll pay your rent right now.’ And then he gave me $1,500 in cash. And then he left.”
Fun fact: “I have a motorcycle license.”
Craziest Lavo moment: “Witnessing sexual acts at the bar. They try to be sneaky about it.”
So this got us thinking….should be find out who the sexiest bartender in Astoria is? Any nominees?