BelAire Diner hosting Drive-In Movie Night!
By Loulou Chryssides Posted: May 10, 2020
Image via BelAire Diner (@belairediner) Instagram.
BelAire Diner is hosting a drive-in movie night this Wednesday! The movie? The 80s classic Dirty Dancing starring Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey.
The first showing will be held at 8PM, followed by a second screening at 11PM. There is a $20 cover fee which will also be used towards food orders placed by attendees.
If interested, please message @BelAireDiner on Instagram ASAP in order to confirm a spot, as spaces are limited. Below are photos from last week’s showing of Grease at the BelAire Diner!

Image via BelAire Diner (@belairediner) Instagram.

Image via BelAire Diner (@belairediner) Instagram.