YEE-HAW! Mounted Police are Coming Back to Astoria!

It looks like Astoria is seeing a resurgence in mounted police officers! It’s an interesting sight to see – amid the cars and construction noise, you see officers on giant, gorgeous, galloping creatures.

While this is interesting…we can’t help but wonder where exactly it is that the horses….take care of business. And would these officers be hanging out tickets? Because that would be quite a unique thing to witness.

Photo Credit: Jason D. Antos

They may just be on patrol, though. We know that over the years, the size of New York City’s mounted police patrol has shrunk considerably. Many other cities like Boston and Philadelphia have completely disbanded their mounted patrols.

Horses are fun to see, especially when you’re not expecting to see one. Children love getting to pet the animals, as well as take pictures with them! If you spot one, send us a picture!