Zumba for Greece!

Zumba is one of the funnest work outs there is -and Simply Fit Astoria is having a Zumba fundraiser for Greece! Here’s what they have to say about the event:
Ditch the workout, and JOIN THE PARTY!
The Hellenic Relief Foundation is inviting you to join in on the most popular Latin-based, calorie-blasting, dance cardio workout craze on Earth! And all for a good cause. Three teachers, (Lisa, Elena, and Estuardo), will be be helping us groove our way through an hour and a half Zumbathon, where all proceeds go to feeding needy families in Greece.
4-5:30 PM
Simply Fit Astoria
37-16 Astoria Blvd.$15 per person
Pre-registration is required:
Click on the events tab on the right hand side.To make a donation via PayPal and find out more information visit hellenicrelief.org
This sounds super fun, and Zumba is always a blast!